At Iranian Baptist Church, we know that we can only accomplish the mission of God together. After much time in prayer, God has been answering our prayers by connecting us with the partners below who have been instrumental in planting IRANIAN BAPTIST Church in Las Vegas. There are few words to describe how thankful we are for each of these churches and organizations and the faithfulness of the people they represent in responding to God’s call.

On behalf of the entire Iranian Baptist church team, we would like to thank all our amazing partners!

HOPE Partner Logo - Our Supporting Partners

Hope Church, Las Vegas, NV is the sending church of Iranian Baptist Church. A healthy and successful church plant in Las Vegas, Hope has a powerful background in church planting, missions, and overall leadership development. They have partnered with the Launch Church Planting Group as well as the North American Mission Board.

walk church las vegas - Our Supporting Partners
thewellchurch - Our Supporting Partners
Williamsville Baptist church - Our Supporting Partners
Albany church - Our Supporting Partners

pccc logo - Our Supporting Partners

There have been several churches who have committed to partner with us in assisting with the success of Iranian Baptist Church. These churches have committed to partner with us through prayer, sending mission teams, training and equipping, and providing financial Kingdom resources bigheartedly. We can’t thank these churches enough for their time, investment, and vision of a gospel saturated world!


We been privileged to be able to lock arms with other amazing church networks and ministries that will assist us in advancing God’s Kingdom all over earth.

SBC Partner Logo - Our Supporting Partners

xNAMB new Logo.jpg.pagespeed.ic  - Our Supporting Partners

SEND Partner Logo - Our Supporting Partners

Nevada Baptist Convention Partner Logo1 - Our Supporting Partners