The Bible speaks a lot about Baptism. It is one of the two commands that God has given to His church. We hope the information below will give you clarity on a few common questions relating to Baptism.

What Is Baptism?

A public celebration testifies that you are a believer and follower of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Who Should Be Baptized?

In the Bible we are taught that baptism symbolizes our relationship with God and publicly declares that relationship through the person of Christ. The symbolism of baptism is life before Christ, burial with Christ, and rising as He had risen to walk in the newness of life! (Romans 6:4) We truly believe that a person who has surrendered their life to Christ, should be obedient to the command of Jesus to get baptized, and communicate this amazing news with the world.

How Do I Get Baptized?

Our process is very simple at IBC for those who are interested in being baptized. The first step is to contact our team and they will walk you through step by step on what the Bible says about baptism, why it is important, and what is next on your journey of walking in Jesus Christ. Please contact our team here: iranianbaptistchurch@yahoo.com


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